Samantha Antoinette

Lør. 11. nov. 23:30 – 01:00

St. James Infirmary

Line up
Samantha A. Smith Vocals
Kasper "Lefty" Vegeberg Guitar
Søren Schack Guitar
Jakob Kirkegaard Kortbæk Bass
Asmus Jensen Drums

Den karismatiske sangerinde Samantha-Antoinette graver dybt i historien.

Samantha begyndte at synge i en tidlig alder og har nydt at synge gospel, blues, og jazz. Hendes passion for musik førte til optagelse i “The London Community Gospel Choir” hvor hun gennem 21 år var en af forsangerne i koret. Her forfinede hun sine musikalske færdigheder og udviklede sin stemme. Med LCGC husker Samantha, at hun blev rost af den nu afdøde R&B legende Luther Vandross, hvor hun sang kor for ham i Royal Albert Hall til en live-album-indspilning kaldet “An Evening Of Songs”. I løbet af øveperioden, da hun blev bedt om at synge solo, sagde Vandross – “HUN har en fantastisk tone”! – Et godt minde, Samantha ALDRIG vil glemme.”Jeg har så mange dejlige, uforglemmelige minder derfra og jeg har arbejdet med fantastiske berømtheder.”
Hun har bl.a. optrådt med Tina Turner, Joe Cocker, James Brown, Paul McCartney, Elton John, Lionel Ritchi, Mariah Carey, George Michael, Westlife, Blur og Depeche Mode, samt en lang række europæiske bands.
Gennem den 35 år lange karriere har hun også været tilknyttet musicals og opera i flere år. Hun føler dog, at det nu er tid til at fokusere på en solo blues karriere, som altid har været ​​hendes passion.
I hendes udadvendte show, efterlader hun altid publikum fængslende og hooked! Hun er kendt for at “smide skoene” og danse barfodet på scenen!

Hendes faste blues band – ”The Chargers” – består af Kasper ”Lefty” Vegeberg der har været sideman for en lang række betydende bluesnavne fra såvel Europa som USA, såsom Alan Haynes, Kai Strauss, Chad Strentz, RJ Mischo, Big Joe Louis m.fl. Asmus Jensen har boet i spillet i Texas i mange år og var fast mand for Omar Dykes og Earl Thomas men har også backet klenodier som Lou Ann Barton Jakob Kortbæk på bas har bl.a. backet Big Creek Slim, RJ Mischo, Dexter Shaw, Chad Strentz og Johnny Burgin. På Blues Heaven er holdet forstærket med Guitarist Søren Schack der tilhører den nye generation af musikere med en forkærlighed for blues. Talentet rækker og strækker over flere genrer, men man kan altid høre de dybe rødder og den musikalske forankring i bluesen. Søren har bl.a. spillet/spiller med Big O & The Blues Quarters, Big Creek Slim, Katrin Schmidt, Gorm Bull/Palle Hjort.


The charismatic singer Samantha-Antoinette digs deep into history. Samantha started singing early and has enjoyed singing gospel, blues, and jazz. Her passion for music led to her admission to “The London Community Gospel Choir,” where she was one of the lead singers in the choir for 21 years. Here she refined her musical skills and developed her voice. With LCGC, Samantha recalls being praised by the late R&B legend Luther Vandross, singing chorus for him at the Royal Albert Hall for a live album recording called “An Evening Of Songs.” When she was asked to sing a solo during the rehearsal period, Vandross said – “SHE has a great tone”! – A great memory Samantha will NEVER forget.”I have so many wonderful, unforgettable memories from there, and I’ve worked with notable celebrities.”

She has, among other things, performed with Tina Turner, Joe Cocker, James Brown, Paul McCartney, Elton John and Depeche Mode, and many European bands. Throughout her 35-year career, she has also been associated with musicals and opera for several years. However, she feels it is now time to focus on a solo blues career, which has always been her passion. In her outgoing show, she always leaves the audience captivated and hooked!
She is known to “throw off her shoes” and dance barefoot on stage! Her debut album was released in 2019 and was a success, with praise from fans and critics alike.

Her permanent blues band – “the Chargers” – consists of Kasper “Lefty” Vegeberg, who has been the sideman for a large number of important blues names from both Europe and the USA, such as Alan Haynes, Kai Strauss, Chad Strentz, RJ Mischo, Big Joe Louis, etc. .etc. Asmus Jensen has lived in the game in Texas for many years and was a regular for Omar Dykes and Earl Thomas, but has also backed gems such as Lou Ann Barton.
Jakob Kortbæk on bass has, among others, back Big Creek Slim, RJ Mischo, Dexter Shaw, Chad Strentz, and Johnny Burgin. At Blues Heaven, the band is reinforced with guitarist Søren Schack, who belongs to the new generation of musicians with a fondness for blues. The talent reaches and stretches over several genres, but you can always hear the deep roots and the musical anchoring in the blues. Søren has, among other things, played/plays with Big O & The Blues Quarters, Big Creek Slim, Katrin Schmidt, Gorm Bull/Palle Hjort.