Lør. 9. nov. 23 – 24

Robert Jon Burrison | Gui, Vokal |
Henry J. Schneekluth | Guitar |
Jake Abernathie | Keyboard |
Warren Murrel | Bass |
Andrew Espantman | Drums |
Direkte fra det sydlige Californien tager Robert Jon & The Wreck den sydlige rocklyd fra østkysten og gør den til deres egen. Siden deres begyndelse i 2011 har disse indfødte “Vesterlændinge” udgivet tolv album (inklusive to opsamlinger)
Det er lige på og hårdt at de har elektrificeret publikum over hele verden med deres svævende guitar leads, rige vokalharmonier og mindeværdige melodier. Kort sagt er det svært at ignorere, når disse talentfulde musikere indtager scenen.
Det er ikke så mærkeligt, at de har gjort indtryk på publikum over hele verden, hvor de har spillet en række udsolgte shows og stolt delt scene med stjerner som Joe Bonamassa, Peter Frampton, The Mavericks, Buddy Guy og Rival Sons.
2020’s »Last Light On The Highway« høstede verdensomspændende anerkendelse for bandet, og 2021 »Shine A Light On Me Brother« fortsatte deres opadgående bane, hvilket førte til et samarbejde med Joe Bonamassas Journeyman Records, som banede vejen for endnu mere ny og spændende musik.
Senest udgav de »Ride Into The Light«, et dynamisk, mangefacetteret album med materiale produceret af GRAMMY-prisvinderne Don Was (Bonnie Raitt, The Stones, John Mayer) og Dave Cobb (Chris Stapleton, Brandi Carlile, Blackberry Smoke, Rival Sons), Kevin Shirley (Iron Maiden, The Black Crowes), sammen med guitarvirtuoserne Joe Bonamassa og Josh Smith.
Denne eklektiske blanding gjorde det muligt for bandet at opnå nye højder i deres musikerskab og sangskrivningsevner, hvilket fremkaldte den tidløse lyd fra klassiske bands som The Allman Brothers Band og Lynyrd Skynyrd.
I 2023 udkom også »Live At The Ancienne Belgique,« deres første officielle live-koncertfilm, der spænder over det sidste årti af deres exceptionelle karriere, som Music News kaldte, “et af de bedste live-album, vi har hørt i årevis.” The Wreck turnerer meget over hele verden og indspille endnu mere ny musik til deres hastigt voksende fanskare.
Robert Jon & the Wreck turnerer flittigt både i USA og Europa, og de har da også være forbi Danmark i 2022 og 2023 i København. De har desuden været en del af “Keeping The Blues Alive” at Sea Mediterranean Blues Cruise, hvor de optrådte side om side med blandt andre Bonamassa, Eric Gales og Robert Randolph.
Reigning from Southern California, Robert Jon & The Wreck take the Southern rock sound from the East Coast and make it their own.
Since its inception in 2011, these native Californians have been electrifying audiences worldwide with their soaring guitar leads, rich vocal harmonies, and memorable tunes. Simply put, it is difficult to ignore when these talented musicians take the stage.
It’s no wonder they have made an impact on audiences across the world. They’ve played a run of sold-out shows and proudly shared bills with talent such as Joe Bonamassa, Blackberry Smoke, Peter Frampton, Joanne Shaw Taylor, The Mavericks, Buddy Guy, and Rival Sons.
2020’s ‘Last Light On The Highway’ garnered worldwide acclaim for the band, and 2021’s ‘Shine A Light On Me Brother’ continued their upward trajectory, leading to a collaboration with Blues Rock Titan Joe Bonamassa’s Journeyman Records, which paved the way for even more new and exciting music. Most recently they released ‘Ride Into The Light’ a dynamic, multi-faceted album featuring material produced by GRAMMY-Award winners Don Was (Bonnie Raitt, The Stones, John Mayer) and Dave Cobb (Chris Stapleton, Brandi Carlile, Blackberry Smoke, Rival Sons), Kevin Shirley (Iron Maiden, The Black Crowes), along with guitar virtuosos Joe Bonamassa and Josh Smith.
This eclectic mix enabled the band to attain new heights in their musicianship and songwriting skills, evoking the timeless sound of classic bands such as The Allman Brothers Band, Eagles, and Lynyrd Skynyrd.
2023 also saw the release of ‘Live At The Ancienne Belgique,’ their first official live concert film spanning the last decade of their exceptional career, which Music News called “one of the best live albums we have heard in years.”
The Wreck is touring extensively worldwide and recording even more new music to release to their rapidly growing fanbase.