Lør. 9. nov. 17 – 18

Dawn Tyler Watson | Lead vokal |
Ben Racine | Guitar, vokal |
Vincent Pollet-Villard | Keyboard |
Kaven Jalbert | Tenor sax |
Antoine Escalier | Bas |
Pascal Delmas | Trommer |
Dawn Tyler Watson er født i England, men opvokset i Canada, hvor hun også bor i dag.
Watson albumdebuterede i eget navn – eller rettere under navnet Dawn Tyler Blues Project – i 2001 med cd’en »Ten Dollar Dress.« Den blev nomineret til to Maple Blues Awards.
I 2007 indledte hun et samarbejde med landsmanden Paul Deslauriers (som i dag danner par professionelt og privat med Annika Chambers) på det akustiske album »En Duo,« og makkerskabet blev videreført i 2013 på »Southland«
Herefter indspillede hun det rhythm & blues-orienterede »Jawbreaker« (2016) med Ben Racine Band, hvilket de fulgte op i 2019 med »Mad love«. Hun har også indspillet med blandt andre soul blues-sangeren Dave Keller samt med Kenny ”Blues Boss” Wayne, der optrådte på Blues Heaven i 2019.
Det internationale publikum fik rigtig forståelse for Dawn’s talent da hun vandt den eftertragtede førsteplads ved Internationalen Blues Challenge i Memphis i 2017, hun har siden fremført magiske øjeblikke på scenen og har delt sin udtryksfulde stemme på tværs af fire kontinenter med shows, der virkelig bevæger ånden.Hendes fængslende scene tilstedeværelse og sjælerørende præstationer har høstet national og verdensomspændende anerkendelse.
Med to friske Maple Blues-priser, landets fornemmeste bluespris Årets sangskriver og bedste album/producer.
Hun blev også nomineret af Blues Foundation i Memphis til en 2020 Blues Music Award for Årets Vokalist sammen med storheder som Curtis Salgado & Mavis Staples.
Hendes seneste plade, »Mad Love«, blev tildelt prisen 2020 JUNO, (Canadas svar på Grammyen) for Blues Album of the Year!
Føj dette til de seks MBA’er, og de ni Quebec Lys Blues Awards, en Screaming Jay Hawkins Award for Live Performance og en Blues Blast Music Award for Årets Kvindelige Vokalist, og du har en forståelse for denne sanger og hendes præsentationer som en fuldendt performer.
Med en lyd fyldt med jazz, soul, rock og gospel skubber Watson grænserne for traditionel blues til en helt ny dimension og den Multi prisvindende, Singer/Songwriter har virkelig fortjent sin plads blandt den internationale blueselite.
“One of Canada’s true Blues treasures.”
Blues Music Magazine
“Her fabulous voice and incandescent stage presence make her the Queen of the Blues in Montreal.”
Journal de Montreal
“Watson, in a nutshell, smokes. She has a kit bag full of smooth moves and a personality that lifts off the page.”
Blues Revue Magazine
“What stands out in her show is stage presence – a subtle and sophisticated confidence that exudes class.”
“Dawn’s voice is a supple, sultry, sexy marvel, a scintillating instrument of seductive allure, and she infuses every line with an equal measure of smarts and sass.”
Blues on Stage
Multiple award-winning, Montreal-based Singer/Songwriter Dawn Tyler Watson has earned her place among the International Blues elite. Her fiery stage presence and soul-stirring performances have garnered national and worldwide recognition.
With two recent Maple Blues Awards, Songwriter of the Year and Best Album/Producer, she was also nominated by the Blues Foundation in Memphis for a 2020 Blues Music Award for Vocalist of the Year alongside greats like Curtis Salgado and Mavis Staples. Her latest record, “Mad Love,” was awarded the 2020 JUNO award for Blues Album of the Year!
Add this to the six MBAs she already has, the nine Quebec Lys Blues Awards, a Screaming Jay Hawkins Award for Live Performance, and a Blues Blast Music Award for Female Vocalist of the Year, and you’ve got a decorated and consummate performer.
Watson’s star has risen since she hooked up with a seven-piece killer band fronted by award-winning guitarist Ben Racine. Taking home the coveted first-place prize at the International Blues Challenge in Memphis in 2017, she’s been spinning magical moments on stage and sharing her expressive voice across four continents with shows that genuinely move the spirit.
With a sound infused with Jazz, Soul, Rock, and Gospel, Watson pushes the boundaries of traditional Blues into a whole new dimension.
“One of Canada’s true Blues treasures.”
Blues Music Magazine
“Her fabulous voice and incandescent stage presence make her the Queen of the Blues in Montreal.”
Journal de Montreal
“Watson, in a nutshell, smokes. She has a kit bag full of smooth moves and a personality that lifts off the page.”
Blues Revue Magazine
“What stands out in her show is stage presence – a subtle and sophisticated confidence that exudes class.”
“Dawn’s voice is a supple, sultry, sexy marvel, a scintillating instrument of seductive allure, and she infuses every line with an equal measure of smarts and sass.”
Blues on Stage