FREDAG 20:50 – 22:05

Nick Moss | Vokal, guitar |
Dennis Gruenling | Harp |
Rodrigo Mantovani | Keyboards |
Taylor Streiff | Bas |
Pierce Downer | Trommer |
John Primer & The Real Deal Blues Band
Guitaristen og sangeren John Primer er en af de få tilbageværende eksponenter for den rene Chicago blues-lyd og han bærer titlen »King of Chicago slide guitar«
John Primer blev født i Camden, Mississippi i marts 1945 og flyttede til Chicago i 1963. I en alder af 18 fik den unge John Primer hurtigt gode kontakter i Chicagos musikmiljø, hvor han bl.a. lærte at spille slide guitar af Muddy Waters guitaristen Sammy Lawhorn.
I 1979 overtalte den legendariske sangskriver, bassist og sanger Willie Dixon ham til at slutte sig til sit band The Chicago Blues All-Stars. Der hørte Muddy Waters John spille, og seks måneder senere rekrutterede Muddy ham som hans guitarist. John var hos Muddy indtil dennes død i 1983.
Efter Muddys død blev John hyret af den ikoniske sanger og guitarist Magic Slim. I de næste 14 år turnerede han verden tynd med Magic Slim & the Teardrops som bandleder og guitarist. The Teardrops blev gentagne gange voteret som det bedste bluesband i verden. Dette ustoppelige bluesband opfandt den “Chicago lump” blues-lyd, vi kender og elsker i dag.
I 1995 dannede Primer sit eget “The Real Deal Blues Band” og udgav debutalbumet, »The Real Deal«. John har siden udgivet 26 albums i eget navn og medvirker på snesevis af Magic Slim album.
Primer har optrådt eller indspillet med Ray Charles, James Brown, B.B. King, Chuck Berry, John Lee Hooker, Koko Taylor, Junior Wells, Little Milton, Buddy Guy, James Cotten, Johnny Winter, The Rolling Stones, Pearl Jam, samt 100-vis andre verdensstjerner.

John Primer & The Real Deal Blues Band
Two-time Grammy-nominated artist and American blues legend John Primer was the bandleader and guitarist for Muddy Waters, Willie Dixon and Magic Slim & The Teardrops. Having played or recorded with a who’s who of blues greats including Junior Wells, Gary Clark Jr., Derek Trucks, Johnny Winter, The Rolling Stones and Buddy Guy to name a few, John Primer’s personal accolades, including a Lifetime Achievement Award, reflect his countless contributions to the history of Chicago blues. There are very few fans, critics or musicians who will deny the fact that John Primer is the real deal.
In 1979, the great songwriter Willie Dixon persuaded him to join his band the Chicago Blues All-Stars. John travelled the U.S., Mexico and Europe, trying on hats as a rhythm guitarist, lead slide player and powerful singer. Muddy Waters heard John play and six months later Muddy recruited him not only as his guitar player and bandleader but also as an opening act. John stayed loyal to Muddy until his death in 1983.
After Muddy’s death, John signed on with the legendary Magic Slim. For the next 14 years, he toured with Magic Slim & the Teardrops as bandleader and guitarist, culminating with the Teardrops being voted repeatedly the number one blues band in the world. This unstoppable blues band invented the “Chicago lump” blues sound we know and love today. In 1995, John ventured out on his own as a veteran bluesman
and released his solo major-label debut, The Real Deal. Since that time he’s released or been recorded on over a dozen albums and toured extensively all over the world. A master storyteller and songwriter, his catalogue of songs is endless. Some of the awards attached to him include 2 Grammy nominations and 2 Living Legend honours as well as a Blues Music Award for Best Traditional Blues Artist from the National Blues Foundation and many more.
Over his amazing career, John has recorded with, opened for or played with a who’s who of other great bands and artists including The Rolling Stones, Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam, Derek Trucks, Gary Clark Jr., Koko Taylor, Chuck Berry, John Lee Hooker, Ray Charles, James Brown and B.B. King.
The depth of history and tradition that runs in John’s blood from decades of master blues classes he took from all the Blues Godfathers builds his music catalogue and unique style. John Primer is still at the top of his game. With his strong traditionalist blues phrasing, seasoned rhythm and blues vocals and lightning-fast slide guitar techniques, few artists can match him and none have his vast, real deal, blues history.