Fre. 8. nov. 21 – 22

JW-Jones | Guitar / vocal |
Jacob Clarke | Bass / vocal |
Joel Oppong-Boateng | Drums / vocal |
JW-Jones er en canadisk bluesguitarist, sanger, sangskriver og bandleder, der blev født i Ottawa i 1980, hans rejse mod blues himlen startede bag et trommesæt i en alder af 12 år.
Men en koncert med legenden BB King ændrede alt. Inspireret af bluesmesterens magi greb Jones guitaren og kastede sig ud i et intenst læringsforløb. En gave fra bedsteforældrene – en Fender Stratocaster – blev hans trofaste følgesvend.
Allerede som 18-årig dannede Jones bandet JW-Jones Blues Band med gymnasiekammerater. En seks-spors demooptagelse sikrede dem adgang til scenene på klubber og festivaler i Canada. Før sin 20-års fødselsdag vandt Jones Ottawa Blues Guitar Riff-off, og en Europa-turné fulgte, der udvidede hans fanbase markant.
J.W har udgivet et dusin albums og optrådt i 23 lande på 4 kontinenter. Han er blevet en af Billboards top 10 mest sælgende blues kunstnere. Han vandt International Blues Challenge for “Bedste selvproducerede CD” med albummet ‘High Temperature’ i 2017 og blev igen i 2020 i Memphis IBC kåret som Årets Bedste Guitarist.
Jones’ talent har indbragt ham anerkendelse fra både ventede og uventede sider. Han har vundet en Canadian Independent Music-Price for “Electric Act of the Year” og en Blues 411-pris for “Bedste mandlige vokalist”. Hans selvtillid og fokuserede spil kan spores tilbage til det øjeblik i hans unge liv, da han havde skrevet kontrakt med pladeselskabet Northern Blues, og han besluttede sig til at forlade universitetet for at satse fuldt ud på musikken.
Efter at have vundet “Bedste Guitarist” ved 2020 International Blues Challenge i Memphis, begyndte Jones at arbejde på sin 12. udgivelse,»Everything Now«, som blev udsendt i maj 2023. Dette helt originale projekt inkluderede et tæt samarbejde med vennen Jimmie Vaughan.
“Sange! Det handler om sangene!” sagde den JUNO-nominerede Jones, hvis brændende guitarspil er blevet rost af legendariske blueskunstnere som Buddy Guy, George Thoregood og Chuck Leavell (The Rolling Stones).
Hvert skridt i Jones’ karriere har været dristigt, men han har truffet de rigtige valg. Hans virtuose guitarspil og kompromisløse dedikation har ført ham til toppen af bluesverdenen. Med en suveræn følelse for fokus og en ustoppelig passion for musikken fortsætter JW-Jones sin bemærkelsesværdige sejrsgang på scenen, hvor han hver gang imponere publikum med sin talentfulde musik og passion for genren over hele verden.
Bluesgenren har sit udspring i de amerikanske sydstater, hvor legender fra Mississippi som Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters og John Lee Hooker samt Texa’s T-Bone Walker og Stevie Ray Vaughan, alle spillede en enorm rolle i den kunstneriske og kommercielle udvikling af dette unikke amerikanske stilart.
Men i de senere år har blues udøvedende musikere spredt sig til så usandsynlige steder som Europa, Sydamerika, Australien og ikke mindst Canada og dette er JW det ypperste eksempel på..

Billboard Top 10 Blues Artist, 2020 IBC Winner, and JUNO Nominee, Canadian singer/guitarist JW-Jones is known for his high-energy shows!
After winning “Best Guitarist” at the 2020 International Blues Challenge in Memphis, Jones started working on his 12th release ‘Everything Now’ [May 26, 2023], an all-original project with special guest Jimmie Vaughan, and production by Gordie Johnson (Big Sugar).
“Songs! It’s all about the songs!” said the JUNO-nominated Jones, whose searing axeman-ship has recently been praised by legendary blues artists Buddy Guy and Chuck Leavell (The Rolling Stones). “While there are plenty of burning lead guitar solos, I wanted to open up and get more personal than ever with the lyrics. From the true story ‘Papa’s in the Pen’ to ‘When You Left’ that I sang with tears rolling down my cheeks about my mother’s passing, these are stories that I feel like I can finally share through my music.”
The frequent resident of Billboard’s Top 10 Blues charts and roots radio favorite continues to accelerate his career momentum to new heights, whether it’s as a personally requested sit-in with the likes of 8-time Grammy winner Buddy Guy, opening for blues-rock icon George Thorogood, or entertaining thrilled audiences in 23 countries and four continents.
“This young man is one of the people who will keep the blues alive” – Buddy Guy – 8 x Grammy Award Winner.
“Slick guitar playing, beautiful arrangements, and an immediate personable connection with not only the audience but also with everyone backstage made JW-Jones a stand-out at our festival! Gifted artist, and a downright nice guy. It doesn’t get any better!” – Bob Halvorsen, Thunder Bay Blues Festival [Canada]
“Jones proves that he is not just a gifted guitarist, singer/songwriter but he continues to represent and channel the old school blues sound which has been handed down by the greats, whilst at the same time adding a contemporary twist which blues music fans can relate to in the present day” – National Rock Review [England]
“This is an amazing blues band” – Dan Aykroyd [Elwood Blues]
“JW-Jones is one of the best we’ve seen in 14 years! The fans loved it!” – Jacques Dubé, Festival Jazz & Blues de Saguenay [Chicoutimi, QC]
“Highly regarded in blues circles” – Blues Revue Magazine [USA]
“JW always delivers 100% for our audiences – a real fan favourite in Fredericton!” – Brent Staeben, Harvest Jazz & Blues Festival [Fredericton, Canada]
“Nor will you find a more entertaining or sharp-dressed performer either side of the pond” – FabricationsHQ [Glasgow, Scotland]
“JW’s got it down! So much soul, and nice material. You can’t beat it!” – Hubert Sumlin, Legendary Bluesman [Howlin’ Wolf]
“JW engages with the crowd in a way that few artists remember to do, and his demeanour is relaxed even as his playing is explosive. It’s an amazing performance as JW effortlessly gathers the audience into the palm of his hand. Few gigs have such a feel-good factor appended to them…” – SonicAbuse [England]
“Never fails to electrify the crowd!” – Mark Monahan, Ottawa Bluesfest
“JW-Jones and his crack rhythm section delivered a top-shelf contemporary blues presentation and JW is a joy to do biz with.” – Bob Corritore, Rhythm Room [Phoenix, AZ]
“We’ve had JW-Jones on our radar for more than four years and man did he deliver! Polite and professional off stage, and raw real deal killin’ it blues while performing.” – Vinnie Valenza, Blues City Deli [St. Louis, MO]
“We booked JW on a support slot for another artist and JW-Jones stole the show with his opening set, then stayed around to jam with the other band. Musicianship and showmanship were outstanding! Rapport with the audience after the show was top notch as well.” – Terry Sedivy, Omaha Blues Society [Omaha, NE]
“As people were leaving the theatre at the end of the show, many could be heard discussing the performance… ‘beautiful,’ ‘awesome,’ ‘excellent’ and more.” – Elliot Lake Standard [Elliot Lake, ON]
“Jones is obviously a charming stage performer but he’s also without a doubt an outstanding musician.” – Welland Tribune [Welland, ON]
“One of this country’s top blues guitar stars” – Globe and Mail
“The future of blues is assured with vigorous young bluesmen like JW-Jones not afraid to stretch the boundaries of contemporary blues.” – Jim Santella, WBFO-FM 88.7, Amherst, NY
“JW Jones is one of the best guitar players I’ve heard in a long time. He and his band do great tunes with cool arrangements and I love listening to them. They play with taste and fire at the same time.” – Charlie Musselwhite
“JW-Jones in my opinion is one of the top contemporary blues artists on the scene today. Amazing guitarist and vocalist and a very creative songwriter! – Dan ‘The Bluesman’ Lacasse, Blues Director WRBC 91.5, Lewiston, ME
“JW is one of the young guns in the blues guitar world who consistently delivers the goods on record and on stage” – Little Charlie Baty
“Jones’ style is a fluid amalgam of T-Bone Walker’s big, bright chords, Johnny ‘Guitar’ Watson’s slashing leads, and Gatemouth Brown’s jazzy sting” – Blues Revue Magazine
“He’s a natural with excellent phrasing. It’s great to see young people have the right idea about what blues music is” – Kim Wilson, Fabulous Thunderbirds / multi-Grammy nominee