Cinelli Brothers

Fre. 8. nov. 21 – 22

JW-Jones Guitar / vocal
Jacob Clarke Bass / vocal
Joel Oppong-Boateng Drums / vocal

The Cinelli Brothers er et dynamisk bluesprojekt, der udspringer af en fælles kærlighed til den elektriske Chicago- og Texas-blues fra 60’erne og 70’erne. Bandet blev grundlagt af brødrene Marco (guitarist og forsanger) og Alessandro (trommeslager), som satte sig for at skabe en eksplosiv lyd inspireret af de ikoniske Chess-, Stax- og Motown-stilarter. På scenen slutter Tom Julian-Jones (mundharmonika, guitar og vokal) og Stephen Giry (bas, guitar og vokal) sig til brødrene og tilføjer ekstra dybde til deres kraftfulde optrædener.

Deres debutalbum, Babe Please Set Your Alarm, blev indspillet live og fuldt analogt i Soup Studio i London. Albummet blev udgivet i maj 2018 på vinyl og digitale formater og opnåede hurtigt opmærksomhed ved at nå #2 på IBBA (Independent Blues Broadcasters’ Association) hitlisten i juni 2018.

Albummet indeholder ni fængende originale numre samt to veludførte covernumre:

‘Chain of Fools’ af Don Covay (berømt fortolket af Aretha Franklin)

‘Back Door Man’, som forbliver tro mod Willie Dixons originale version

Udgivelsen fik ros i anerkendte magasiner som Blues in Britain, Blues Matters og Classic Rock.

Marco Cinelli blev kåret som Årets bedste guitarist 2018 af Music Republic Magazine.

Den legendariske radiovært David ‘Kid’ Jensen spillede flere numre fra The Cinelli Brothers’ debutalbum over seks på hinanden følgende uger på sin United DJs-radioshow, hvor han kaldte The Cinelli Brothers sit “foretrukne bluesband” og deres debut hans “foretrukne bluesprojekt i årevis.”

I november 2021 udgav bandet deres andet album, Villa Jukejoint, med et særligt udsolgt release-show på den ikoniske 100 Club i London. Albummet blev optaget hjemme med kun én mikrofon og har en unik vintage-lyd, der minder om 50’ernes og begyndelsen af 60’ernes æra.

Villa Jukejoint blev udnævnt til Månedens album af IBBA i februar 2022, hvor et nyt nummer blev fremhævet hver uge. Albummet modtog også strålende anmeldelser i magasiner i Storbritannien, Spanien og Holland.

Bandet blev nomineret til UK Blues Awards’ Blues Band of the Year i 2020, 2021, 2022 og 2023.

Deres albums Villa Jukejoint (2022) og No Country For Bluesmen (2023) blev begge nomineret som Blues Album of the Year ved UK Blues Awards.

I september 2022 vandt The Cinelli Brothers UK Blues Challenge.

I januar 2023 opnåede de en flot 2. plads ved International Blues Challenge i Memphis, USA.

The Cinelli Brothers er passionerede forkæmpere for en ny generation af musikere, der er dedikeret til Blues, Soul og R&B. Deres autentiske lyd fortsætter med at hylde bluesens rige historie, samtidig med at de begejstrer publikum verden over.


The Cinelli Brothers is a dynamic blues project born from a shared love of the electric Chicago and Texas blues of the ’60s and ’70s. The band was founded by brothers Marco (guitarist and lead singer) and Alessandro (drummer), who set out to create an explosive sound inspired by the iconic Chess, Stax, and Motown styles.

Joining the brothers on stage are Tom Julian-Jones (harmonica, guitar, and vocals) and Stephen Giry (bass, guitar, and vocals), adding rich layers to their powerful performances.

Their debut album, Babe Please Set Your Alarm, was recorded live and fully analog at the Soup Studio in London. Released in May 2018 on vinyl and digital formats, it quickly gained attention, reaching #2 on the IBBA (Independent Blues Broadcasters Association) chart in June 2018.

The album features nine captivating original songs alongside two well-crafted covers:

Chain of Fools’ by Don Covay (famously covered by Aretha Franklin)

Back Door Man’, staying true to Willie Dixon’s original

The release received praise in notable publications such as Blues in Britain, Blues Matters, and Classic Rock.

Marco Cinelli was named Best Guitar Player of 2018 by Music Republic Magazine.

Legendary broadcaster David ‘Kid’ Jensen played several tracks from the Cinelli Brothers’ debut album over six consecutive weeks on his United DJs radio show, calling The Cinelli Brothers his “favorite blues outfit” and their debut his “favorite blues project in years.”

In November 2021, the band released their second album, Villa Jukejoint, with a special sold-out launch show at the iconic 100 Club in London. Recorded at home using just one microphone, the album delivers a unique vintage sound reminiscent of the ‘50s and early ‘60s.

Villa Jukejoint was named Album of the Month by IBBA in February 2022. A different track was featured each week. The album also received glowing reviews in magazines across the UK, Spain, and the Netherlands.

The band was nominated for the UK Blues Awards’ Blues Band of the Year in 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.T

Their albums Villa Jukejoint (2022) and No Country For Bluesmen (2023) were nominated as Blues Album of the Year at the UK Blues Awards.

In September 2022, The Cinelli Brothers won the UK Blues Challenge.

In January 2023, they proudly secured 2nd place at the International Blues Challenge in Memphis, USA.

The Cinelli Brothers are passionate champions of a new generation of musicians dedicated to Blues, Soul, and R&B. Their authentic sound continues to honor the rich history of blues while captivating audiences worldwide.

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